Monday, March 21, 2011

busy weekend!

Wow, I just realized I had not blogged since Thursday...this weekend was packed full of fun & excitement as we are getting closer & closer to Max's big arrival!

Thursday: St. Patty's Day
* Jeremy went to the Conor Oberst- Bright Eyes concert, he had been looking forward to this concert since he bought his tickets! So we were praying that Max would hold off a few days so that he wouldn't be called away from his favorite singer/band ever! :) Luckily Max decided to wait!
* While Jeremy was gone to his show I went to dinner with a few of my new girl friends (yes I actually have friends!) Heather & Mallory! It was wonderful! We went to Jackson's- famous for their cookie dough egg rolls! It was so great being able to just sit and talk for awhile. Mallory is actually going to be our doula whenever Max decides to come so we talked a lot about my labor & delivery...yes in the middle of a restaurant...don't judge! It made me feel a little better about the whole thing but I am still nervous, which I think is perfectly normal and okay!

Friday: Patiently waiting...
Thursday night I couldn't sleep. Contractions & heartburn at their finest! SO I woke up Friday morning feeling terrible & not rested AT ALL! So I slept in and went to work, then I honestly don't remember what else I did that day, I think I seriously plopped on the couch and stayed there permanently...lazy day! and I was ok with this. (& so was Max)
Oh, wait. I remember what I did Friday night: wait for it...spring cleaning! I seriously went through ALL of my clothes and gave away at least 10 pairs of shoes, 6 purses, and way too many clothes! It was ridiculous how much I had from high school that I never worn then and certainly won't be wearing now! Someone else will be able to use them and I feel lots better now that clothes aren't overcrowding out house...just baby stuff.

Saturday: Busy Bees
basketball: even if Trevecca basketball season is over, doesn't mean Jeremy is done playing! He is now in a league with some of his fellow Trevecca players from years we made our way over to Lipscomb student center around 1 on can tell he misses playing already and it hasn't even been a month :) But it keeps him happy and in shape so I am not complaining :) Plus I was able to see my lovely friend Jenny & talk about her upcoming WEDDING and pictures! (girl talk during a basketball game is always the best!)
Baja!: YUM. One amazing thing about these basketball Saturdays is on the way back from Lipscomb you pass: Baja Burrito! We decided to go there for lunch, which later that night I would regret but at that moment I was in heaven! They have the best chicken burritos: I load mine up of course with everything you shouldn't but that is how I like it. Cheese, lettuce, corn, guac, sour cream, black olives, jalapenos (yay for heartburn), and MUCH more. It was amazing! And of course I had their PINEAPPLE salsa. Man just thinking about it has my mouth watering..maybe I need to revisit them soon :)

BurgerUp: (can you tell we haven't been grocery shopping?) haha! anyways, we went to the amazing burger place that we first went to last summer with Jeremy's dad...let me just tell you...

1. Fried pickles: these things are so yummy...and they are huge!

2. Sweet potato fries:
I don't even like sweet potatoes but they have sweet potato FRIES and they are AMAZING!!

This was my amazing burger: Woodstock burger! It was just to die for!

I guess none of you will be surprised that later that night I was having chest pain/hard time breathing, so I called my "Aunt" Brenda who is an ER nurse at baptist to see what she said I should do, she recommended that I go see my doctor or at least call the on call I did, I called on call nurse. I was miserable. TUMS didn't even help! but she said that if it got even worse to just call and come in...luckily I started to feel the pain subside, it was just dull instead of sharp so I figured I was okay. Sometimes heartburn feels different towards the end of pregnancy, at least that is what my doctor told me. So I felt that me and Max were in no danger and I just was miserable from eating so much! Lesson learned: don't eat Baja Burrito & Burger up in the same day! Space out your fried food/spicy food. I was just trying to get Max to come out! Spicy foods are supposed to help but they haven't done much for me! :(

Once again, felt like poo when I woke up..cramps/back pain/contractions and this time they were definitely more consistent..but still not close enough together to call the doctor! (Story of my life..) if i sound like I am complaining a lot it is because I am...I am absolutely miserable & my belly has stretched as far as I think it can...even my doctor said that Max was running out of room! (& I am running out of skin!)
I felt bad but there was no way I could go to church and sit upright in a chair, especially since the ones they have aren't the most comfortable I decided to stay home in bed and Jeremy went to church.

We went over to his Moms house for Sunday lunch, both forgetting our phones. (go figure) but of course nothing happened so it was okay! Then we just came home and relaxed, did some laundry, and fell asleep.

SO. That was my weekend, and it may be the last weekend we have for awhile where we are able to just drop anything and do what WE want to do. I am glad we were able to go do all of those things & spend quality time together because from here on out it will be the three of us...of course we will have the occasional date nights but for the next couple weeks we are going to be a couple of sleep deprived zombies walking around :) BUT we are still excited for Max to be here! I cannot believe I am 39 weeks pregnant and that in less than a week Max could be here!

I will post a picture of my belly on here later! (Just picture me with a house attached!)


  1. I love your new design! I really hope I get to see you sometime this week! HOPEFULLY before max comes so we can get at least one more hang out sesh:) I AM SO EXCITED!

  2. I know we need to all go out to dinner a "last supper" lol because i am pretty sure we wont be going out to eat much in the next couple weeks...haha
