Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I over did it yesterday.
worked all day, went to a baseball game, walked around a whole bunch...swollen feet + pain in my hips/pelvic bone + contractions = ouch! & NO FUN.

Stuck in bed all day today. Bleh!

There is only so much you can do by yourself all day & your butt, hips and legs start to hurt after awhile of doing absolutely nothing. Who would've thought being lazy and laying around in your bed would ever be uncomfortable, but for me it is. Thank goodness I haven't had to be on bed rest for the majority of my pregnancy because I would be going stir crazy!

One can only hope that missing school and work today will mean that I will wake up refreshed in the morning and be able to go to class & work tomorrow...with some help from my friend tylenol. OR that baby Max will come tonight, like I said, one can hope :)

I keep thinking that I am going into labor but then I realize that my contractions are not consistent enough, I have a doctors appointment tomorrow. Hopefully it will be my last one! I cannot believe my due date is 3 days away. I know Max will "come when he is good and ready" & "your body can handle the pain, it is made to carry a baby.." blah blah BUT that doesn't mean that it won't still hurt! & that I won't get frustrated with myself because I can't bend over to pick up things, tie my shoes or paint my toe nails!

Well, we will see what my midwife has to say tomorrow at our appointment...she doesn't induce unless completely necessary or if I go over my due date so *fingers crossed* Max will come this weekend, because frankly he has to be running out of room in there! & I am pretty sure my skin is stretched to the maximum...which is a whole other story I am not going into.

*I don't want to look back on these entries and think to myself "wow, i was a negative nancy" but there's a whole lot of things that people leave out when they talk about pregnancy & I am just trying to be real about the WHOLE thing, the happy parts, the excitement! and even the painful/uncomfortable times too! I don't mean to sound negative ALL the time so if I do, I apologize! I really am excited to be pregnant and I feel SO blessed that he has been a healthy baby so far and I have been extremely lucky with my pregnancy & the many midwives I have met so far - they are all amazing! I can only hope and pray that labor and delivery will go just as great as everything else so far.

According to The Bump this is what little Max looks like:
He has been in this position..but don't worry his arms and legs have been moving plenty! :)
Max: according to my midwife will prob. measure around 7 pounds at birth, guess we will just have to see :)

1 comment:

  1. MARN!! I'm so excited for are so close!! And hang in there! He'll be out before you know it :)

    Just a side note lol - can you text me? I lost your number and I wanna make sure I can talk to you!!
