Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I've never been so happy to change a poopy diaper!

Man o Man...these past few days have been a test of patience for sure. The one thing I would change about babies is being able to tell why they are crying! When you have fed, changed their diaper...changed their clothes...done everything you can think of and they are still crying bloody murder it gets quite frustrating but you just have to hold them and wait it out sometimes...or call their doctor! which is what we did. Today Jeremy took Max to the doctors office because he was constipated and we had a feeling he has infant acid reflux. SO I went to my job interview and Jeremy went off to get Max to his appointment on time.

The facts:
1. Max is a chunk-er! Weighing 13 pounds 1 oz-- he has gained a whole pound in a week! insane!
2. He is definitely no longer constipated.
3. He definitely has infant acid reflux, but no worries we have medicine that helps!
4. Other than that our child is perfect :)

We are hoping that this will help Max from being in pain after eating and keep him from becoming fussy. He is starting to talk to us more and more AND smile! I love it! I cannot wait to see how much he grows within the next week! He is just too precious, even if he cries a lot! (which hopefully will be different now that we have medicine!) I never thought that I would be able to love someone so much! He  definitely has my heart! 

I had a job interview today. This is something I have been really struggling with, I have wanted to be able to stay at home with Max but it just doesn't seem possible right now. I am okay with working but it will be hard to leave my precious baby boy at home everyday :( BUT this job that i interviewed for: perfect fit for me! I am SO excited about it and really hope a position becomes open soon! It is for a local non profit here in Nashville and I loved everything about it! It even has a nursery for children 0-1 years old and I am HOPING i will be able to bring Max to work with me and have him stay in that classroom while we work that way I am not leaving him at daycare. We also have other options as well.  I am so excited to see what happens in the next couple weeks with my job opportunity and I will update everything as soon as I hear anything positive! :) BUT I am very excited!

We are going on our first big road trip with Max this weekend...to Ohio to visit Jeremy's grandparents and family that live there. It will be interesting to see how Max does on this 8 hour trip! We are hoping he will do well and sleep most of the way. 

Just say a little prayer for us if you can this week. Lots of things going on that we have no control over and we need help with patience. 

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