Friday, July 29, 2011

reunited and it feels so good...

WOW it is has been a long time since I last wrote something on the blog and updated you all on my life as a mom. It has been a wild ride that is for sure!

We have turned into world travelers since the last time I blogged. We've been to Florida a number of times, Ohio, and Kentucky this weekend is the first in a LONG time I have been home instead of on the road. Which is good because we are celebrating my birthday which was Wednesday, the 27th! I turned 23 and it was a wonderful birthdaY! My husband made it amazing along with my friends and family from all over!
beautiful bday roses from Jeremy

& these! :)

Time to catch up:

Max is almost 4 months old, it is pretty hard to believe that he is growing so fast! I already miss the whole cuddling stage-he is past that now, unless he is really tired or doesn't feel good. He hates taking naps and is the worst at fighting his has gotten much better though now that we are introducing food to the mix. He has start eating rice cereal for the past couple weeks and loves it! The next thing we will introduce is oatmeal, and then bananas! I cannot believe my little baby is growing up so fast!

He is trying to sit up by himself and gets frustrated when he cant, he has started to hold his own bottle and has quite the grip. This is not good for me because he is loving the fact that he can pull on my hair super hard, guess it is a good time for me to become hard headed... He is finally out of his colicky stage HALLELUJAH, praise the Lord! It is like having a whole new child around, he rarely cries unless he is hungry or sleepy...or bored and in that case we put him in his walker, which he is starting to scoot around in now and flip on the Backyardigans or Calliou, really any cartoon.

In other news we have moved out to Mt. Juliet and are no longer in that tiny cramped one bedroom apartment BUT I do miss the memories we had it there! Lots of fun times. Now we have our own rooms though and the fun part about that is having to get Max in the habit of sleeping in his crib which has been quite the experience. He is now starting to get the hang of it but for the first week or so it was harsh, having to get up every hour or so took me back to the first few weeks of him being here. Sleep deprivation set in once again but it has gotten much better! He has started to sleep from about 9-5:30 in his own crib! yay!

Jeremy is now working part-time at Sprint which is an answer to prayer that he has a job! And I am working a few days a week as a nanny watching two other children along with Max which is another answer to prayer because I am able to "stay at home" and have a job!

Well, Max is waking up from his nap so I am goin to leave yall with some pictures!
big boy in his bumbo

One of the children I nanny feeding Max

At the pool!

A new hobby: blowing bubbles

most precious

eating rice cereal for the first time

Max's room1

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