Thursday, August 25, 2011

A lot on my mind...

I have no idea why I haven't blogged, there is so much going on around me and things that Max has started to do that I should have documented but for some reason I just have stopped feeling that urge to write. I am just not myself lately, I have been doing lots of thinking and deep prayer about what God wants me to do in my life and for the rest of my life. I feel sometimes that I went to school for 5 years and I graduated but still have no idea what I have a passion for. (Of course I have a passion for my awesome baby boy and family but that isn't what I am talking about) I am talking about hobbies, interests, a job that I won't hate after a week. I am so blessed to be able to stay at home with Max while he is little but he won't be little for ever and when that day comes I would love to have somewhat of an idea. Of course I've tossed ideas around and at one point or another thought that this idea is THE ONE. In reality I have no idea. This is where God comes in, this is when I pray and seek his will and not my own. For if it was MY life that I had "planned" I would not have a beautiful 5 month old baby yet...that would come in about um 6 years according to MY life plan but it is NOT about me or my plan it is all about His. God has shown himself so much this past year, my faith has been strengthened so much but also tested, I am so blessed with an amazing family, husband, and baby. I know that even though I have no idea where my life is going to take me it will all work out!

The truth is I have tried to write an entry for the past month but didn't know what to write about, I've had the time just not the right words to say. Hopefully this post won't go without being read and maybe just maybe it will speak to someone else.

AND I believe this with my whole heart: Everything you now do is something you have chosen to do. Some people don't want to believe that. Your life is what you're making of it. To change your life, you need to change your priorities.

Leave y'all with some sweet pictures of my adorable little guy!

hands in mouth at ALL times.

just pretend he is making funny faces too...

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